Thursday, October 8, 2009


Today was a milestone. Today I became my parents! Today I bought my children a movie that I grew up with, hoping they would love it as much as me. I felt like a cheap salesman, talking Jason into picking Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin instead of some pixar film he wanted. But, just like my parents, today was a victory. HE LOVES IT! We have been listening to the Peanuts theme song nonstop for almost 24 hours, the kid is obsessed and that makes me so very happy! I want my kids to grow up with the old Disney's and other cartoons that I had. There is something classic and nostalgic about them. And so today, The Great Pumpkin is alive and well. In the words of my favorite little Peanut, Happy Halloween You BlockHead!


Morgan said...

Wow! I haven't watched that movie since I was little!!!

DT Stevens said...

Hey Tidwells. We just talked to my father in law and heard that you said hi so I thought I'd look you up on blog and we found you! How are you guys doing? So you're in Kingman now? We're in Seattle! Here's our blog.

J & D Clare said...

Lucy!! You cannot mention the Great Pumpkin and not mention Lucy and Snoopy! Duuuude :)