Thank goodness for a break once in a while. I know some people look at "stay-at-home" mommies and think, "wow she's got it easy" or better yet, "what is she complaining about, I'd trade places with her in a heart beat!" Well, after hearing "mommy, mommy, mommy" repeated for the 20th time for no reason at all, wipping runny noses because both my boys are teething, trying to teach Ryan not to eat the sand in the fireplace and Jason not to spank Ryan for eating the sand...well you get the picture...I don't think they'd be so quick to think the grass was so green on this side of the hill. (besides, I live in Las Vegas...there is no green grass!)
However, this Labor Day was great. We stayed in town--no insane packing, hauling the family to some crowded vacation spot only to wrestle with the kids and do what I do everyday just in a less convenient location (some holiday)! We got up Monday morning and headed to the park for some shaded play time outside, took a long nap while the boys napped, tried to duplicate the P.F. Changs Candied Walnut Shrimp recipe (which by the way if you have not tried it you are completely missing out. It is one of the best culinary experiences you'll have in a long time--fabulous but my attempt came no where close...we'll try again later), and then Jason got a special treat. Scott took him to a putting green. Jason got to bring his clubs and balls, just like dad. They even stopped and got icecream on the way home. Mommy got some great alone time since Ryan was napping. I finished the menus for my business and then sat, with the remote in MY HAND, not Scott's, and watched what ever junk was on tv simply because I could, acutally it was Prison Break and I'm totally addicted. We almost named Jason Lincoln, which we got from that show.
I need another non-Labor Day soon. We should call it Mother's Day--wait we already have one of those but it generally isn't anywhere close to being non-laborious. Oh well, here's to wishing right?
my curly headed baby--I won't let Scott cut his hair!
golf and icecream with dad
Jason is really into forts right now. He has a favorite babysitter who built this latest one for him and he refuses let me tear it down. He even grabbed a sleeping bag the first night and thought it was going to be his new room!
Your boys are getting so big! I think we will need to make a trip down to Vegas to get warm!
I would definitely agree with the staying at home option for vacationing. A vacation with kids is for sure more work and not the least relaxing. By the way, that chocolate cake looked soooo good. Too bad we don't live a few doors down anymore.
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