Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"millions of peaches, peaches for me..."

I think I'm dating myself with that title! Anywhoooo, I finished bottling my first set of peaches yesterday. I did the whole messy process:

1. Buy peaches & let them ripen because I live in Kingman where fresh, ripe, tasty produce is a foreign concept!
2. Blanch the little buggers, peel the skins off, slice and pit them--not so easily done when the peaches are a little on UNRIPE inside. Several turned to mush as I twisted and squeezed to get them open since they didn't want to let go of that stupid pit!
3. Pack them in warm sterile mason jars, fill with syrup water, wipe clean, put lids on & start up the ole steam caner (actually it is brand new, works like a charm and is tons faster to heat up than a water bath--LOVE it, thanks mom!)
4. 36 min later VOILA I have bottled peaches, a sticky kitchen floor, huge mess of skins and pits ALL OVER THE COUNTER--and thanks to Ryan all over my floor--and a vow to NEVER EVER EVER do this again!
5. Wake up this morning, realize all the lids sealed correctly and feel a little proud. Decide it wasn't THAT bad (like having a baby right?) and that I need to follow the prophets council on provident living, stop being a baby and find myself at the store buying more peaches so that I can repeat steps 1-5 tomorrow.

How ridiculous is that!


Unknown said...

Wow - great job! That is so much work, but you'll be so happy you did it for your family. Quite the accomplishment!

Caitlin said...

Were your peaches freestone or cling? Just remembering when I canned mine, & the pits were easy to get out.

Tyler V said...

Whoa, go you! I'm scared of canning and have never done it! Inspiration!

Katie said...

Good for you...very impressive. Especially with 2 boys! I think your next step is getting a RS calling and teaching a class about the ease and self-fulfillment of canning peaches. :)

Janice Greenhalgh said...

Oh, I remember when I used to can. Why do we do crazy things like that when we have small kids and then when we're grown we have more time but no desire! Here's a blog with a recipe for peach salsa that looks yummy!

Janice Greenhalgh said...

Oops! I meant when the kids are grown not when I'm grown (although I'm older now too unfortunately). I also forgot to post the blog site:


Lesley said...

Yum! Home canned peaches are the best! Way to go, it is a process and takes forever to get your floor clean again! Good luck on the next batch!